We support 100+ languages (English, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Basque, Catala, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Nepali, Norwegian (Bokmål), Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Afrikaans, Albanian, Aragonese, Asturian, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Bavarian, Belarusian, Bishnupriya Manipuri, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cebuano, Chechen, Chuvash, Croatian, Estonian, Georgian, Gujarati, Haitian, Hebrew, Icelandic, Ido, Javanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Latin, Latvian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malayalam, Marathi, Minangkabau, Mongolian, Newar, Nowegian (Nynorsk), Occitan, Piedmontese, Punjabi, Scots, Serbo-Croatian, Sicilian, Slovak, South Azerbaijani, Sundanese, Swahili, Tajik, Tatar, Telugu, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Volapük, Waray-Waray, Welsh, West Frisian, Western Punjabi, Yoruba) for the chatbot.
*All these may not be available for the localization of the entire product.
Chat Localization Setup
Modify the labels like "Start Conversation",etc by adding following labels in kommunicateSettings variable which is present in installation script of chat widget:
"labels": {
'input.message': 'Type your message...',
'conversations.title': 'Conversations',
'start.new': 'Start New Conversation',
'empty.messages': 'No messages yet!',
'no.more.messages': 'No more messages!',
'empty.conversations': 'No conversations yet!',
'no.more.conversations': 'No more conversations!',
'search.placeholder': 'Search...',
'location.placeholder': 'Enter a location',
'members.title': 'Members',
'typing': 'typing...',
'is.typing': 'is typing...',
'online': 'Online',
'offline': 'Offline',
'clear.messages': 'Clear Messages',
'delete': 'Delete',
'reply': 'Reply',
'location.share.title': 'Location Sharing',
'my.location': 'My Location',
'send': 'Send',
'send.message': 'Send Message',
'smiley': 'Emoji Picker',
'close': 'Close',
'edit': 'Edit',
'save': 'Save',
'file.attachment': 'Upload Attachment',
'file.attach.title': 'Attach File',
'last.seen': 'Last seen',
'last.seen.on': 'Last seen on',
'time.format.AM': 'AM',
'time.format.PM': 'PM',
'hour': ' hour',
'min': ' min',
'yesterday': 'yesterday',
'hours': ' hours',
'mins': ' mins',
'ago': 'ago',
'admin': 'Admin',
'user': 'User',
'member': 'Member',
'you': 'You',
'away': 'Away',
'closed.conversation.message': 'This conversation has been marked as resolved. If you have other queries, just send a message here or start a new conversation.',
'search.faq': 'Search in FAQs...',
'looking.for.something.else': 'Looking for something else?',
'no-faq-found': 'We are here to help.',
'talk.to.agent': 'Talk to an agent',
'how.to.reachout': 'How may we reach you?',
'email.error.alert': 'It seems you have entered an invalid email',
'conversation.rated': 'rated the conversation',
'char.limit.warn': 'Keep your message within 256 characters to help the bot understand easily',
'limit.remove': 'Remove',
'limit.characters': 'characters',
'limit.remaining': 'remaining',
'lead.collection': {
'email': 'Email',
'name': 'Name',
'phone': 'Contact Number',
'title': 'Conversations',
'heading': 'Before starting, we just need a few details so that we may serve you better',
'submit': 'Start Conversation',
'csat.rating': {
'CONVERSATION_RATED': 'You rated the conversation',
'RATE_CONVERSATION': 'Rate your conversation',
'OTHER_QUERIES': 'Have other queries? ',
'RESTART_CONVERSATION': 'Restart this conversation',
'SUBMIT_RATING' : 'Submit your rating'
'conversation.header.dropdown': {
'CSAT_RATING_TEXT': 'Rate this conversation',
'USER_OVERIDE_VOICE_OUTPUT_ON': 'Turn on text to speech',
'USER_OVERIDE_VOICE_OUTPUT_OFF': 'Turn off text to speech',
'page.title.on.new.message': 'New message from ',
'emoji.hover.text': {
'poor': 'Poor',
'great': 'Great',
'average': 'Average'
'rich.message': {
'notification.preview' : 'Message'
'filter.conversation.list': {
'ALL_CONVERSATIONS': 'All conversations',
'ACTIVE_CONVERSATIONS': 'Active conversations',
'HIDE_RESOLVED': 'Hide resolved',
'SHOW_RESOLVED': 'Show resolved'
'time.stamp': {
'sec.ago': 'sec ago',
'secs.ago': 'secs ago',
'min.ago': 'min ago',
'mins.ago': 'mins ago',
'hr.ago': 'hr ago',
'hrs.ago': 'hrs ago'
'voice.output': {
'location': {
'init': 'A location has been shared with you.',
'lat': 'Latitude is ',
'lon': 'and Longitude is '
'attachment': 'You have an attachment.'
'waiting.queue.message': {
'contact.name': 'In Queue...',
'header.text': 'In queue...',
'first.Part': 'You are currently',
'waiting.queue.number': '5',
' in the waiting queue, our agents will get back you shortly.',
This example will change the text for pre chat lead collection screen :-
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(d, m){
/*---------------- Kommunicate settings start ----------------*/
var kommunicateSettings = {
"appId": "<APP_ID>", // add your application id here
"askUserDetails": ["name", "email", "phone"],
"labels": {
'lead.collection': {
'contactNumber':'Contact Number',
'heading':'Before starting, we just need a few details so that we may serve you better',
'submit':'Start Conversation',
/*----------------- Kommunicate settings end ------------------*/
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.async = true;
s.src = "https://api.kommunicate.io/kommunicate.app";
var h = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
window.kommunicate = m;
m._globals = kommunicateSettings;
})(document, window.kommunicate || {});