Kommunicate-Android-Chat-SDK-Customer-Support Android Chat SDK for Customer Support
Installation Clone this repo and then from Android Studio select File ->New -> Import Module -> Select 'kommunicate' from cloned path. Check in your app level gradle file, if the dependency for kommunicate does'nt exists then add it as below
compile project(':kommunicate')
Authorization You can authorize a user as below:
KMUser user = new KMUser();
user.setUserId("reytum_01"); //unique userId
user.setApplicationId("22823b4a764f9944ad7913ddb3e43cae1"); //your application key
Then call the below method:
Kommunicate.login(this, user, new KMLoginHandler() {
public void onSuccess(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Context context) {
//do something in on success
public void onFailure(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, Exception exception) {
//do something in on failure
If at some point you need to check if the user is logged in, you can use the below code:
//user is logged in
You can get the logged in user details as below:
KMUser user = KMUser.getLoggedInUser(context);
Launch chat screen: You can launch the chat screen(Where all the conversations are listed in descending order of communication time) as below:
Create a new Conversation: You can create a new conversation as below :
Kommunicate.startNewConversation(context, <pass agent id here>, <pass bot id here, null accepted>, new KMCreateChatCallback() {
public void onSuccess(Channel channel, Context context) {
public void onFailure(ChannelFeedApiResponse channelFeedApiResponse, Context context) {
Open a particular conversation: You can open a particular conversation if you have the group id of the conversation.
Kommunicate.openParticularConversation(context, <Group Id (Integer)>);